Praise for “Into the Gathering Clouds”


All of us who care deeply about women's wellbeing know the importance of building strong networks, especially in the face of difficulty. Dorchelle Spence's Into the Gathering Clouds reminds us to marshal our resources, particularly our networks of powerful women, in times of need. In so doing, she meets one of the most daunting challenges imaginable—a diagnosis of serious illness—with courage and grace.

Stephanie J. Hull, Ph.D.
President and CEO
Girls Inc.


There are few things more frightening for a woman than being told she has breast cancer. What can be equally frightful is the uncertainty that follows every step on the road through treatment to recovery. Being told you will be fine is unlikely to bring about peace of mind. In Dorchelle Spence's first-hand account of her own experience with breast cancer, she succeeds at offering the reader a sense of comfort that a woman going through this terrible ordeal will need.

Spence demonstrates her own forthright insistence that the doctor of her choosing do the biopsy, and she has the courage to push her caregivers to offer what she knows she needs, not just what they think she needs.

Spence’s account is thorough and detailed, written from the perspective of an everyday woman going through the most frightening diagnosis in her life. She breaks down the complexity of treatment into understandable prose while explaining her dependence on God and her faith to withstand the challenge.

Into the Gathering Clouds should be a very helpful companion for any woman facing the unknowns of breast cancer and coming out on the other side with courage and hopefulness.

As a physician who cares for many women who bravely fight breast cancer, I believe Spence's book can be a real tool of comfort at a time when the light seems to be fading fast. It provides a true measure of hope for women who are themselves right where Dorchelle Spence found herself.

G. Scott Morris, MD
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Church Health


I was hesitant to read Into the Gathering Clouds. My wife recently died of cancer and (with due respect to the differences in our journeys) I was wary of “reliving” any facet of the experience. But I did read the book and I’m better for having done so. In fact, I wish I’d read it sooner. 

With amazing recall and attention to detail, Dorchelle Spence writes beautifully about a very difficult subject. Her prose is accessible in such a way that one almost immediately gets to know her–intelligent, loving, funny, accomplished, and quite fashionable–which is no small feat given the significance of her disease. At no point in the book is the person ever overshadowed by the illness or its treatment. She also quite skillfully acquaints us with the people who created a web of loving support throughout her illness. 

To her credit, nothing is sugar-coated. Hope and fear walk side-by-side. Emotions, feelings and side effects are left to stand completely on their own, but Spence handles the grind with an intellectual honesty that only comes from being content with yourself and your place in this world. That she was determined to stay true to herself and beat cancer on her terms makes Into the Gathering Clouds wonderfully and honestly inspirational. It’s also a beautiful love note to all the family members, friends and caregivers of those in the fight.

Floyd M. Dukes
Cancer Research Advocate


Into the Gathering Clouds is full of emotions that put you in the midst of the journey. Cancer centers everywhere should add it to their new patient packets.”

Trinka L.
Breast Cancer Survivor



Praise for “No Less Worthy”


“At 14, Kathy’s life is complicated: by a father she has never known, by a mother who rarely shares her love, even her color leaves her to wonder how she fits into this mixed-up world. In her debut novel, No Less Worthy, author Dorchelle Spence unfurls a brave coming-of-age story that is real and moving. When the unthinkable happens, Kathy knows she must make a decision that will ultimately place her on a different path from her mother.”

Jane Schneider, Editor, Memphis Parent magazine, Contemporary Media, Inc.


“In No Less Worthy, Dorchelle Spence spins a deeply moving coming-of-age tale about a bright, sensitive young girl trying to find her place in the world amidst daunting challenges. On every front — family, school, relationships — Kathy Sumner faces seemingly insurmountable obstacles. But her deepest challenge is within, as she struggles to discover her inner strength and affirm that she is "no less worthy" of love, respect and the good things in life. Her difficult and sometimes perilous journey to that realization makes for a rip-roaring good read, and an affirmation of the strength of the human spirit.”

Larry Conley
The nation's first black city magazine editor
and a former editor for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
and Detroit Free Press


“Dorchelle Spence is a skillful writer who tells the story of Kathy, a brave high school girl, whose life (though swarming with fear, hopelessness and unmet expectations) has the potential to be positive and rewarding. Kathy’s life epitomizes the swift plunge into womanhood that can be frightening, disappointing, encouraging yet redeeming. Her story raises ethical and social issues that young women are far too often challenged with facing alone for fear of being judged. I found Kathy’s decision-making skills insightful and I cheered for her success.

No Less Worthy emboldens young women to be courageous and rise up from damaging situations. It illuminates the vulnerabilities, desires and inequities that many girls confront as they transition into adulthood.

I loved this book and highly recommend it to all young women. Many disappointments in life are unavoidable and can fill a person with anger and the urge to be precarious. I recall anger being extremely powerful in my own adolescence allowing it to navigate my decisions. This book, however, teaches that we are all equally worthy of achieving happiness and being loved and that it is by persevering through those disappointments in life that we can see our true worth!

Thank you Dorchelle Spence, for the opportunity to read this inspiring book. It is truly a testament to your talent and courage! I wish I'd read it 10 years ago...”

Allison Reed 


“I read it in two days! You did an outstanding job! I’m very proud of you.”

Debra Humphrey


“I am telling everyone: You need to order your copy of Dorchelle Spence's book, No Less Worthy. I got my copy Friday night and finished it Sunday even though I worked 12 hours in between on Saturday. I could not put it down!  Dorchelle did an awesome job writing the book. Each chapter made me anxious to get to the next.

The book was intriguing and heartbreaking. It kept me both smiling and crying, and boy did I cry for Kathy so many times — especially in chapters 1, 7, 20 and then tears of joy in chapter 32. I don't want to give anything away, so I will stop after I say this: when I finished reading the book, it left me wanting more. Awesome job, Dorchelle. You ended it perfectly, leaving readers looking forward to the sequel. I know I can't wait. ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY!”

Deborah Garrett


No Less Worthy is a great tale of adolescence. Once I got past Chapter Two, I couldn't put the book down. Kathy's narration of her teen life resonates with the readers about experiences that we all had at her age: bullying, being misunderstood, and finding our first love. It's a riveting story that takes the reader through a roller coaster of emotion. The character development by Spence helps us to love and hate the characters just as Kathy does. This is a great read for someone who is looking for a book to get lost in. You will definitely finish it in one sitting.”

Leslie North


“I enjoyed reading No Less Worthy. It was a novel that snatched my attention and reeled me in like a largemouth Bass on a hook. No Less Worthy is a well written novel for young ladies who have felted the string of the least, lost and the left out in this side of life. GREAT READ.”

Carolyn Beaty


“My hat goes off to the author, Dorchelle Spence. No Less Worthy, is a phenomenal read! I recommend this novel to young women to act as a source of inspiration, that’d empower their will to succeed despite life’s obstacles.”

Olivia Campo